Local Scholarship Project | Meet Our Outstanding Recipients

AAUW San José is a proud supporter of hundreds of local women working to achieve their academic goals at universities across the country.

Meet some of our past recipients and be ready to be impressed!

2023 Scholarship Recipients, Campuses and Majors

Danielle, Edie Kerr Founders Scholarship, New York University, Major: Social Work
Naseebh, Goldberg Family Scholarship, San Francisco State, Major Biology-Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation
Nathalia, Second year, Brenda Ladewig Memorial Scholarship, UC Berkeley, Major: Sociology
Carlissa, Grace O’Leary Scholarship, San Jose State, Major: Social Work
Sana, San Jose State, Major: Nursing
Isabel, Santa Clara University, Major: English
Julia, San Jose State, Major: Design Studies-Graphic Design, minor in Interaction Design
Christina, UC Berkeley, Major: Business Administration
Wendy, San Jose State, Major: Corporate Accounting and Finance
Calyn, Santa Clara University, Major: Studio Arts
Alyssa, UC Berkeley, Major: Health Science
Julia, George Washington University, Major International Affairs
Caitlyn, UC Berkeley, Major: Business Administration
Selena, San Jose State, Major: Nursing
Jordan, University of San Francisco: Major Psychology
Maritza, Second year, San Jose State, Major: Political Science
Eizen, Second year, UC Berkeley, Major: Public Health
Kaya, Second year, SJSU, Major: Vocal Performance Classical Music
Kimberly, Second year, SJSU, Major: Child and Adolescent Development
Maritza, Second year, UCLA, Major: Biochemistry
Bereket, Second year, UC San Diego, Major: Communications

2022 Scholarship Recipeints, Campuses and Majors

2021 Scholarship Recipients, Campuses and Majors

2020 Scholarship Recipients, Campuses and Majors

Donate Today. Give the Gift of Education.

  • PayPal, with a PayPal account or using your credit/debit card. click here
  • Check payable to “ISPF-AAUW”, please note “Local Scholarship” on the memo line. Mail/drop off your check: AAUW SJ Local Scholarship Treasurer, 1165 Minnesota Avenue, Suite 100, San Jose, CA 95125.
  • Donations are tax deductible (ID 77-0201841) to the full extent of the law.