Advancing gender equity for women and girls through research, education and advocacy

Welcome–Scroll down for public events….

Being a member in AAUW San Jose you will be able to
-Support equity and education for women and girls
-Advocate for societal change
-Connect with your community
-Create new friendships through Interest Groups

Nationally, AAUW began in 1881 as a networking group of a few women college graduates, rare as they were at that time. Since then, and today, AAUW’s mission is to advance gender and pay equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, and research.  Scroll down to see upcoming and past events and our ‘Coffee and Conversation’ open housedates! Members may participate in our many Interest Groups. shown on our activities calendar.

Who May Join? Membership is open to anyone who holds an associate college degree or higher. Students working toward a qualifying degree may become student affiliates.

The upstairs of our Headquarters at 1165 Minnesota Avenue in downtown Willow Glen is a business space and is for lease. Click here for complete info.

We have over 20 interest groups, four 501(c)3 Community Action Projects and an active Public Policy/Advocacy group. Check out our activities calendar, the activities below and events on our Facebook page and follow us on Instagram (@aauwsanjose)

(Note: our Facebook page is currently being updated only occasionally due to technical difficulties.)

Upcoming Events, Programs and Meetings

Coffee and Conversation and
Local Scholarship Event

-Join us in celebrating Local Scholarship Recipients past and present
-Meet exceptional women who have entered higher education and are working toward their goals with YOUR help!
-Hear their stories AND the accomplishments of all our CAP’S in 2023-24
Saturday, July 27
10 am to 12 pm
1165 Minnesota Avenue., SJ

Free Community Event
Save the Date!
Fraud Prevention for Older Adults
Wednesday, September 11 at 1pm
(doors open at 12:45pm)
Willow Glen United Methodist Church
1420 Newport Ave., SJ

In 2023, more than 100,000 people aged 60+ reported fraud to the FBI with the average victim losing $33,915. Get expert tips to protect yourself and others from the costly and embarrassing experience of getting tricked by criminals targeting older adults.
Speaker:  Russell Chubon, REACT Task Force
Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office
RSVP before August 5, 2024 by clicking this link:

Action: What Can One Person Do to Get Out the Vote?

Do you want to make a difference in the direction our country is heading? Our non-partisan Public Policy group can help! We write postcards to encourage infrequent voters in other states–often people of color–to participate in their Congressional primares and elections. Last year our Branch wrote 2000 postcards to voters!

Voters who participate in primary elections are more likely to vote in the November general election. We’ll be distributing postcard packets soon.  You can take as few as 10 postcards to write.  Postage can be donated or provided by AAUW San Jose. If you’d like to participate, contact Susan at .

Past Events and Programs

Summer Renewal Party!
Saturday, June 22nd
5-7 pm at Headquarters

Even if you’ve already renewed, come kick off summer with food, fun, friends and goodies just for you.  We have a new canopy for shade and a good munchies so you won’t have to cook dinner that night.  Come pick up your AAUW San Jose hot weather fan and some lip balm for beach days!

AAUW branches from Fremont, San Jose & Sunnyvale-Cupertino are jointly hosting a
virtual event joined by
Congressman Ro Khanna

Date: Tuesday, June 25, 2024
Time: 6 – 6:30pm PST
Click here or scan QR code at right for Zoom link to attend

Click here for full page Event Flyer

Congressman Khanna has served the17th Congressional District, which includes Cupertino, Fremont, Milpitas, Newark, San Jose, Santa Clara, and Sunnyvale, since 2017. He is passionate about technological innovations, wealth generation through entrepreneurship, and the re-industrialization of the American economy.

This February, Congressman Khanna hosted a forum on artificial intelligence on Capitol Hill, demonstrating his commitment to developing technology safely and responsibly. He has traveled throughout the Midwest and the Rust Belt, advocating for a revival of American manufacturing. In July, he will roll out a modern steel bill in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. Later this year, Congressman Khanna plans to co-host a summit with Apple, Google, Microsoft, Nvidia, and 40 historically Black colleges and universities to discuss creating jobs and scholarships for young Black students and graduates. Come and meet this rising national leader who many pundits believe is laying the foundation for a future presidential bid.

Empowering Women’s Voices: Legislative Update & Advocacy Strategies
Presented by AAUW Santa Cruz
June 15, 10:30 am – 12:30 pm
Aptos LIbrary, 7695 Soquel Dr., Aptos

Cost: Free

Meghan Kissell is the Senior Director of Policy and Membership Advocacy at the American Association of University Women (AAUW) in Washington D.C. Come hear insider insights into key legislative issues like the Equal Rights Amendment, Title IX, and the Paycheck Fairness Act. Join us to learn how advancing gender equality and women’s rights at the federal level impacts our local community. With the stakes higher than ever it is important to understand the broader implications of federal actions. You’ll leave with strategies for effective advocacy, motivating ourselves and others to raise our voices and exercise our right to vote to drive positive change.

  • National legislation: Equal Rights Amendment, Title IX, Paycheck Fairness Act
  • ‘Insider information’ re: what is happening on Capitol Hill.
  • Our state legislator’s report card on women’s priorities.
  • Ideas for how we can improve the lives of women locally and nationally.

AAUW California Annual Meeting
Saturday, April 27, 9 am
Online only
Registration Required

Click here for more information and to register.

May is Asian-American Pacific Islander month.  Come celebrate AAPI women who will inspire you–many you may not have heard of before!

Inspiring Women From a Filipino Perspective
Saturday, May 18, 12:45 pm
Willow Glen United Methodist Church
1420 Newport Avenue, San Jose

One block from Downtown Willow Glen and the AAUW San Jose Headquarters. Parking on site.




See other past programs on our Programs page.

Public Policy and Advocacy

AAUW is non-partisan, but not values neutral.  Join our Public Policy and Advocacy group and Take Action on Public Policy

Learn more about AAUW’s research-informed Public Policy here.