Public Policy

AAUW San Jose Public Policy Committee

The Public Policy and Advocacy Committee advances equity for women and girls through active local, state and national advocacy that engages Branch members in a non-partisan political process. Collaboration with other community organizations increases our effectiveness.

Take Action on Public Policy

  • Non-partisan postcard drives to encourage voter registration and engagement
  • Legislative advocacy with AAUW California Public Policy
  • Legislator Visits with local Lawmakers
  • Voter education forums
  • Programs to inform members and the community

Anyone can fit advocacy into their busy life by becoming a Two-Minute Activist (non-members welcome!)  You provide the voice and AAUW will provide a megaphone.

Do you know about Equal Pay and your rights?  Read this publication by the Women’s Bureau of a brief on the causes of the gender wage gap, including new statistics and analyses of gender and racial wage gaps, and a second brief on salary history bans legislation that prohibit employers from asking about prior salaries as a way to promote equal pay includes historic information on equal pay legislation and policymaking, salary history bans’ benefits and design and other policies for closing the gender wage gap.

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