Welcome to AAUW San Jose!
Scroll down to see our public events….
Being a member in AAUW San Jose you will be able to
-Support equity and education for women and girls
-Advocate for societal change
–Connect with your community
-Create new friendships through Interest Groups
AAUW (American Association of University Women) is the nation’s leading organization for equity in higher education and women’s economic empowerment.
Founded in 1881 by women who defied society’s conventions by earning college degrees, AAUW has since worked to advance gender and pay equity for women and girls, especially equity in higher education. Learn more at aauw.org.
Scroll down to see upcoming and past events and our ‘Coffee and Conversation’ open house dates! Members may participate in our many Interest Groups. shown on our activities calendar.
Who May Join? Membership is open to anyone who holds an associate college degree or higher. Students working toward a qualifying degree may become student affiliates.
The upstairs of our Headquarters at 1165 Minnesota Avenue in downtown Willow Glen is a business space and is for lease. Click here for complete info.
We have over 20 interest groups, four 501(c)3 Community Action Projects and an active Public Policy/Advocacy group. Check out our activities calendar, the activities below and events on our Facebook page and follow us on Instagram (@aauwsanjose)
(Note: our Facebook page is currently down due to technical difficulties.)
Upcoming Events, Programs and Meetings
Free Community Event–
Guests Welcome!
Repairing the Brain and Spinal Cord: One stitch at a time
Dr. Marco Lee, Professor of Neurosurgery, Stanford University
Sat., February 15, 2025 from 1:00 – 2:30 PM (doors open 12:30pm)
Willow Glen United Methodist Church
— Kohlstedt Hall
—1420 Newport Avenue, San Jose
The nervous system is incredibly difficult to repair once damaged, but groundbreaking technologies offer new hope. Discover how Restorative and Regenerative Neurosurgery are revolutionizing care for patients with dementia, strokes, and brain/spinal cord injuries.
Plus, after the speaker, we’ll get a reminder on how to effectively provide first aid with a defibrillator and chest compressions just in time for American Heart Month!
Please register https://form.jotform.com/243580295580159
More info on this event, click here.
More on our speaker https://med.stanford.edu/profiles/marc-lee#bio
Sip and Savor
Please come join us on Thurs., March 13: 5:30-7:30pm
1165 Minnesota Ave., San Jose
Guests Welcome!
Come to a casual get-together for members and those interested in our programs and interest groups! We will have some tasty bites and things to sip as we enjoy each other’s company.
Free Community Event – Guests Welcome!
Ideals Over Ideologies
San José social justice activists:
their campaign to free Angela Davis in the 1970s
March 15 | 2-3:30pm
(doors open at 1:30pm)
Willow Glen United Methodist Church – Kohlstedt Hall
Register Here: https://form.jotform.com/250014956040144
In 1970, San José leaders were shocked to learn that the trial of Angela Davis had been moved to their quiet town. Locals worried about the cost and disruption. But, it was Davis’ defense team that had the real problem. Davis is an African American woman, who in the 1960s was a self-declared communist and a leader of the Black Panther Party. Her supporters openly admitted a fair trial was almost impossible in a place where 93% of potential jurors were white. And yet, in the end, an all-white jury acquitted Davis on every charge. Join us to find out how and learn more about San José social justice activists during the post WW2 period.
Speaker – Michele Bertolone, History/Humanities Lecturer, San José State University
Save The Date | April 12, 1-3 PM | Annual Member Meeting
AAUW Annual Member-Only Meeting
April 12th 1 – 3 PM.
Willow Glen United Methodist Church- Kohlstedt Hall
1420 Newport Ave., SJ
Doors open at 12:30 PM. Light snacks/drinks will be provided. Join us in discussing important yearly updates and voting on next year’s officers. You will not want to miss our amazing guest speaker Lisa Mallette, Executive Artistic Director at City Lights Theater Company of San Jose. We look forward to seeing you there!
Action: What Can One Person Do?
Do you want to make a difference in the direction our country is heading? Our non-partisan Public Policy group can help! We write postcards to encourage infrequent voters in other states–often people of color–to participate in their Congressional primares and elections. Last year our Branch wrote 2000 postcards to voters!
Voters who participate in primary elections are more likely to vote in the November general election. We’ll be distributing postcard packets soon. You can take as few as 10 postcards to write. Postage can be donated or provided by AAUW San Jose. If you’d like to participate, contact Susan at publicpolicy@aauwsanjose.org .
Past Events and Programs
Please come join us
on January 25, 10-noon
1165 Minnesota Ave., San Jose
Guests Welcome!
Come to a casual get-together for members and those interested in our programs and interest groups! We will have coffee (and tea) and some early morning goodies. Learn about our 501(c)3 Community Action Projects, fun and informative events, actions to advocate for women’s education and pay equity. Ask questions of longtime members, reconnect with members you haven’t seen in a while and meet new friends. Prospective members are especially welcome!
Financial Management Session
Sat., Jan. 11 at 2 pm
(doors open at 1:45 pm)
Willow Glen United Methodist Church, Kohlstedt Hall
1420 Newport Avenue, SJ 95125
Do you know that the knowledge and tools needed to effectively manage money change as you enter each phase of life? Join us on January 11th and learn about the basics of financial management with a special emphasis on how investing habits should change over time to best meet life goals. The event is free and guests are very welcome!
Russell Malley is an investor for more than 40 years and is currently the treasurer of two investment clubs and a volunteer for BetterInvesting™.More information | programs@aauwsanjose.org
A wonderful gathering celebrating international holiday traditions, cuisine and music! Music by ‘Flute Salad’ and wonderful singing groups. Lots of visiting with old friends and new, a peek at our Archive Committee’s progress highlighting our past achievements, and holiday goodies.
Boosting Mental Health Expert Panel
Sat., Nov 16 at 1 pm
(doors open at 12:45 pm)
Willow Glen United Methodist Church
1420 Newport Avenue, SJ 95125
The National Alliance of Mental Health (NAMI) presents a panel of professional counselors who work with 55+ adults.Possible topics include dealing with chronic pain, depression, grief, and how to be happy as we age. The event is free and guests are very welcome!
Contact | programs@aauwsanjose.org
At this event, we will be holding our Warm Hearts coat drive for Santa Maria Urban Ministries–clear out your closets and donate gently used warm clothing in good condition.
Thank you for donating to support women finishing their college education. The drawing will be held the weekend of December 14th.
One of our ANNUAL traditions is to hold a campaign to ‘Give the Gift of Education’ at the holidays. Our holiday campaign began on December 1 and ended on December 8. There will be chances for great prizes in our drawing (Each donation of $100 gets a chance in our drawing.) Click HEREto see our fabulous prizes to be awarded soon! Put a reminder on your calendar for next year’s campaign the first week of December 2025–but you can donate anytime to any of our community projects here.
Coffee and Conversation
Saturday, October 26
10 am to noon
1165 Minnesota Ave., SJ, 95125
(next to the Willow Glen Library)
Come to a casual get-together for members and those interested in our programs and interest groups! We will have coffee (and tea) and some early morning goodies. Learn about our 501(c)3 Community Action Projects, fun and informative events, actions to advocate for women’s education and pay equity. Ask questions of longtime members, reconnect with members you haven’t seen in a while and meet new friends. Prospective members are especially welcome!
This month will feature a donation drive for Spartan Pantry, sponsored by our Neighbors Helping Neighbors Community Action Project. We will be accepting donations of breakfast cereal, instant oatmeal, peanut butter and toothpaste.
Willow Glen United Methodist Church
1420 Newport (at Minnesota Ave)
- Join more than 200 mighty women making our community stronger.
- Learn about the State Propositions on the November 5th Ballot.
- Refreshments provided.
- Enter a free drawing to win chocolate.Open to AAUW members, guests, and others who believe in gender equity for women and girls.
Title IX: What You Don’t Know… that protects your rights!
Did you know that Title IX protects students and education employers from gender discrimination in non-sports activites? That it was originally designed to allow more women into medical and law school? That it addresses sexual harassment and assault in any educational facility receiving federal funds–even libraries and museums? On the Steering Committee for this event, AAUW San Jose has helped raise awareness of these important aspects of Title IX. The event is sold out, but will be live-streamed this Friday, September 20th at 5:30 pm. Please watch!
Fraud Prevention for Adults
Wednesday, September 11 at 1pm
(doors open at 12:45pm)
Willow Glen United Methodist Church
1420 Newport Ave., SJ
In 2023, more than 100,000 people aged 60+ reported fraud to the FBI with the average victim losing $33,915. Get expert tips to protect yourself and others from the costly and embarrassing experience of getting tricked by criminals targeting adults.
Speaker: Russell Chubon, REACT Task Force.
Coffee and Conversation and
Local Scholarship Event
-Join us in celebrating Local Scholarship Recipients past and present
-Meet exceptional women who have entered higher education and are working toward their goals with YOUR help!
-Hear their stories AND the accomplishments of all our CAP’S in 2023-24
Saturday, July 27
10 am to 12 pm
1165 Minnesota Avenue., SJ
Summer Renewal Party!
Saturday, June 22nd
5-7 pm at Headquarters
Even if you’ve already renewed, come kick off summer with food, fun, friends and goodies just for you. We have a new canopy for shade and a good munchies so you won’t have to cook dinner that night. Come pick up your AAUW San Jose hot weather fan and some lip balm for beach days!
AAUW branches from Fremont, San Jose & Sunnyvale-Cupertino are jointly hosting a
virtual event joined by
Congressman Ro Khanna
Date: Tuesday, June 25, 2024
Time: 6 – 6:30pm PST
Click here or scan QR code at right for Zoom link to attend
Click here for full page Event Flyer
Congressman Khanna has served the17th Congressional District, which includes Cupertino, Fremont, Milpitas, Newark, San Jose, Santa Clara, and Sunnyvale, since 2017. He is passionate about technological innovations, wealth generation through entrepreneurship, and the re-industrialization of the American economy.
This February, Congressman Khanna hosted a forum on artificial intelligence on Capitol Hill, demonstrating his commitment to developing technology safely and responsibly. He has traveled throughout the Midwest and the Rust Belt, advocating for a revival of American manufacturing. In July, he will roll out a modern steel bill in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. Later this year, Congressman Khanna plans to co-host a summit with Apple, Google, Microsoft, Nvidia, and 40 historically Black colleges and universities to discuss creating jobs and scholarships for young Black students and graduates. Come and meet this rising national leader who many pundits believe is laying the foundation for a future presidential bid.
Empowering Women’s Voices: Legislative Update & Advocacy Strategies
Presented by AAUW Santa Cruz
June 15, 10:30 am – 12:30 pm
Aptos LIbrary, 7695 Soquel Dr., Aptos
Cost: Free
Meghan Kissell is the Senior Director of Policy and Membership Advocacy at the American Association of University Women (AAUW) in Washington D.C. Come hear insider insights into key legislative issues like the Equal Rights Amendment, Title IX, and the Paycheck Fairness Act. Join us to learn how advancing gender equality and women’s rights at the federal level impacts our local community. With the stakes higher than ever it is important to understand the broader implications of federal actions. You’ll leave with strategies for effective advocacy, motivating ourselves and others to raise our voices and exercise our right to vote to drive positive change.
- National legislation: Equal Rights Amendment, Title IX, Paycheck Fairness Act
- ‘Insider information’ re: what is happening on Capitol Hill.
- Our state legislator’s report card on women’s priorities.
- Ideas for how we can improve the lives of women locally and nationally.
AAUW California Annual Meeting
Saturday, April 27, 9 am
Online only
Registration Required
Click here for more information and to register.
May is Asian-American Pacific Islander month. Come celebrate AAPI women who will inspire you–many you may not have heard of before!
Inspiring Women From a Filipino Perspective
Saturday, May 18, 12:45 pm
Willow Glen United Methodist Church
1420 Newport Avenue, San Jose
One block from Downtown Willow Glen and the AAUW San Jose Headquarters. Parking on site.
See other past programs on our Programs page.
Public Policy and Advocacy
AAUW is non-partisan, but not values neutral. Join our Public Policy and Advocacy group and Take Action on Public Policy
Learn more about AAUW’s research-informed Public Policy here.